Sven Wacker

Hallo, ich bin Sven Wacker, ein passionierter Ingenieur und als selbstständiger beratender Ingenieur tätig. Es freut mich sehr, Sie kennenzulernen.

Wussten Sie, dass ca. 60 % der Arbeitszeit eines durchschnittlichen Angestellten für die Koordinierung der Arbeit aufgewendet wird und die eigentlichen Themen auf der Strecke bleiben?

Um zukunftsträchtigen Themen in Ihrem Unternehmen auf den Weg zu bringen, habe ich mich selbstständig gemacht um gezielt mit meinen folgenden Erfahrungen Ihnen helfen zu können.

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Einige Wörter über mich


I am very proud of my modern patchwork family. I love the family life with my son, girlfriend and step daughter, I have a real good relationship and friendship with my ex-wife, I am happy with my sister and my niece and I am so glad to have healthy and vital parents.


I started to work with 14 years as a paper boy. Since that time I worked my whole life in so many different jobs and areas you cannot imagine. I am an enthusiastic and motivating person, when I stand behind a project or an idea I do my best to lead it to sucess.


Ich liebe gutes Essen, warum also schlecht kochen? Ich liebe neue Orte und Kulturen, warum dies also nicht mit meinem Beruf verbinden? Ich liebe gute Musik, warum also kein Musikinstrument spielen? Ich libe den Fortschritt, warum also nicht am Ball bleiben? Ich love our nature and to be active, so why not doing sports outside?

Balancing work and life

  1. Acknowledge
  2. Examine
  3. Set Goals
  4. Plan Tasks
  5. Reflect
  6. Prepare
  7. Empower
  8. Connect
me looking at sunset
Acknowledge - I am honest to myself and notice the areas of my life that I am neglecting.
Examine - I have an internal and external focus, so everyday I try to balance both of them.
Set Goals - I look at the outline to help me decide which ways I want to balance my life.
Plan Tasks - I make lists of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to achieve my planned goals.
Reflect - I know what is most important, how to focus on goals and how to handle problems.
Prepare - I am prepared to the "stuff" that will try to keep me sticking to my own plans.
Empower - I am kind to myself. Balance won’t feel good if I am cruel to myself in creating it!
Connect - I know persons and tactics, which keep me supported, motivated, and focused.

Embodying Well-Being

In everyday situations and practice I realize wellbeing to embodying it into my life and work.

Experience and skills


  • ABB Schaltanlagen GmbH
    Vocational Education - Electrician
  • Diploma SRH Heidelberg
    Electrical Engineering
  • Masterthesis
    „System engineering for Biochemical Conversation of Renewable Energy.“


  • 🇩🇪 German - Native speaker
  • 🇬🇧 English - Proficient C1/C2
  • 🇫🇷 French - Intermediate - B1/B2
  • 🇮🇹 Italien - Elementary A1/A2
  • 🇪🇸 Spanish - Elementary A1/A2

Computer skills

  • Platforms
    Microsoft, Linux, Atmega, WinCC
  • Programming
    C++, Javascript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, Microcontroller, Siemens S7
  • Applications
    Office package, Adobe, Windows,
  • Modelling
    Catia, Eagle, Matlab, Multisim

Work experience

  • Sales and Marketing Management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Business Development Management
  • Project and Product Management
  • Product Specialist, Vacuum- and Joining Technologies
  • Application Engineering
  • Problem Solving
LEGO time with Niklas and me

Created with love and care

Just as much as I LOVE playing with my son, teaching my kids, helping my girlfriend in her flower shop, do sports with my friends and meet my family...

...I designed this site with CARE and will do that with new projects and work tasks.

Please feel free to contact me for more information:

Sven Wacker